Wednesday, January 20, 2021 Laura Shelly 1774 DSA News, NJ Council on Developmental Disabilities New Parameters for Vaccination Eligibility groups - as of 1-14-2021 From NJCDD As of January 14, 2021, the following groups are eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine: Paid or unpaid persons working or volunteering in a healthcare setting Residents of long-term care facilities and other congregate settings Frontline first responders Persons aged 65 and older Persons aged 16 to 64 years old who have at least one chronic medical condition that poses high-risk for severe COVID-19: Cancer Chronic Kidney Disease Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Down Syndrome Heart conditions(e.g. heart failure, coronary arterydisease, cardiomyopathies) Immunocompromised(weakened immune system)due to organ transplant (consult with your doctor) Obesity (e.g. body mass index of 30kg/m2 or higher) Pregnancy(consult with your doctor) Sickle cell disease Smoking Type 2 diabetes mellitus These groups above can start making vaccination appointments. More groups will become eligible in the coming weeks. See link below Rate article 2.5 Rate this article: 2.5 Tags new jerseyDDDCOVIDNJCDD Share Print More links how to find testing and vaccination sites near you Switch article DDD Update COVID 19 for Families and Providers 1-7-2021 Previous Article COVID-19 Update: DDD Webinar January 21, 2021 Next Article