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Laura Shelly 1701

New Parameters for Vaccination Eligibility groups - as of 1-14-2021


As of January 14, 2021, the following groups are eligible for the
​COVID-19 vaccine:
  • Paid or unpaid persons working or volunteering in a healthcare setting
  • Residents of long-term care facilities and other congregate settings
  • Frontline first responders
  • Persons aged 65 and older
  • Persons aged 16 to 64 years old who have at least one chronic medical condition that poses high-risk for severe COVID-19:
  • Cancer
  • Chronic Kidney Disease
  • Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
  • Down Syndrome
  • Heart conditions(e.g. heart failure, coronary arterydisease, cardiomyopathies)
  • Immunocompromised(weakened immune system)due to organ transplant (consult with your doctor)
  • Obesity (e.g. body mass index of
  • 30kg/m2 or higher)
  • Pregnancy(consult with your doctor)
  • Sickle cell disease
  • Smoking
  • Type 2 diabetes mellitus
These groups above can start making vaccination appointments.
More groups will become eligible in the coming weeks.  See link below

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