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William England 1728

NJDDD Communication Update

DHS/DDD Announces Funding for Three New Behavioral Health Stabilization Homes for People with I/DD


In a press release last week, the New Jersey Department of Human Services announced a contract had been awarded to YAI, Inc. for the development of three new behavioral health stabilization homes for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD). These homes, which are expected to be operational by Fall 2022, will provide short-term stabilization and assessment services for individuals with I/DD who are experiencing a behavioral health crisis that is not able to managed in their current setting. Each home will be staffed by a team or professionals, who will work to prepare individuals to safely return home or to an alternate setting.



NJCDD Announces RFPs to Increase Access and Opportunities for Individuals with I/DD


DDD is pleased to share a notice from the New Jersey Council on Developmental Disabilities (NJCDD) about three new Requests for Funding Proposals (RFPs) they have issued for qualified entities:



Proposals must be received by NJCDD no later than November 3, 2021, at 2 p.m.



Next DDD COVID-19 Update Webinar Scheduled for October 14


DDD’s next COVID-19 Update Webinar is scheduled for Thursday, October 14 at 10:30 am. Use this link to Register Now for October 14 Webinar.



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