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Laura Shelly 1901

DDD Update COVID 19 for Families and Providers 11-13-2020

This COVID-19 DDD update webinar was presented by Dep't of Human Services Assistant Commissioner, Jonathan Seifried and reviewed a number of important changes to DDD's COVID-19 policy including:

  • State and DDD-Specific COVTD-19 Statistics
  • November Webinars
  • Fight the Flu!
  • FFS Transition/Agency with Choice Update
  • SDE Pre-Employment Screenings
  • Holiday Season 2020
  • Day Services Update
  • Office of Program Integrity and Accountability
  • January 12021 DSP Wage Increase
  • EW Information
  • Resources

If you would like to see this webinar or any past webinar please use the link to the DHS COVID-19 webpage provided below.


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