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Division Update 12-29-2020: Webinars, Wage Increases and Temp Residential Funding

Please review and share the important updates below related to provider payments that go into effect January 1, 2021.


FY2021 Wage Increase for Direct Support Professionals and Supervisors

Included in New Jersey’s FY2021 Appropriations Act, the wage increase for direct support professionals (DSPs) and supervisors will be implemented January 1 via increases to the fee-for-service reimbursement rates for the following services: Career Planning, Community Based Supports, Community Inclusion Services, Day Habilitation, Individual Supports, Prevocational Training (Individual and Group), Respite, and Supported Employment (Individual and Group). For information, please see:


COVID-19 Temporary Residential Provider Funding

The Division is pleased to announce that the temporary 20% enhanced payments to residential providers will continue. In addition, the temporary $3-per-hour wage increase for DSPs working in provider-managed residential settings that are claiming Individual Supports-Daily Rate has been renewed for another three-month period, from January 1 – March 31, 2021. For information, please see:


Also, please note the bi-weekly DDD COVID-19 Update Webinars for January 2021 are scheduled for Thursday, January 7 and Thursday, January 21, both at 10:30 am. There is a separate registration link for each webinar and you must register twice (once for each webinar) if you wish to attend both:


Register Now for January 7 DDD Webinar:


Register Now for January 21 DDD Webinar:


Thank you and warmest wishes for peace and health in the New Year.


Jonathan Seifried

Assistant Commissioner

New Jersey Department of Human Services

Division of Developmental Disabilities

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