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COVID-19 Update Webinar September 3, 2020

This COVID-19 DDD update webinar was presented by Dep't of Human Services Assistant Commissioner, Jonathan Seifried and reviewed a number of important changes to DDD's COVID-19 policy including: 

  • Establishing the reopening policies, rules, procedures and forms for in-person Day Programming at 25% capacity, or less (depending on social distancing capacity) beginning September 21, 2020.
  • Continuing of 20% additional funding for Individual Supports to Residential Providers providing daytime support due to COVID-19.
  • Reopening of Residential Moves previously suspended due to COVID-19

COVID-19 Facility Readiness Tool

The Facility Readiness Tool provides a guide to DDD providers to initiate a conversation and process on plans to reopen while adhering to the 25% maximum on-site capacity limitation (or social distancing space limitations), whichever is less and the need to offer remote services to those individuals unable to participate in on-site programming. 

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