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DSA Newsletter for January 2025

A Webinar for Parents and Families of Individuals with Disabilities on Supported Employment

Employment for All : Register Here

March 10, 2025 l 12:00 PM - 12:45 PM l Zoom

Supported Employment is a valuable service that assists individuals with disabilities to secure integrated, competitive employment. Many parents, guardians, and family members have questions about how the process works, if it’s appropriate for their loved one, and what their role in the process should be. Please join us as we discuss how essential employment can be in the life of those with disabilities and examine how parents/guardians can contribute to their success.


Note: To meet the training needs of the entire state, there is a limit of participants per agency for this training.


Certificates: Certificates of Attendance with training title and duration will be provided.

Person-Centered Planning

Person-centered planning is a process for selecting and organizing the services and supports that a person with a disability may need to live, work, and recreate in the community. The purpose of person-centered planning is to discover what a meaningful life looks like for the person and to identify the supports, both paid and unpaid, they need to achieve that life.

A successful person-centered plan will:

  1. Remain strengths-based, culturally informed, and whole-person focused.
  2. Achieve balance between what is important to the person and what is important for the person.
  3. Clearly reflect the person’s goals and outline a plan to achieve them, as well as how to monitor progress.
  4. Help cultivate connection, both within the system and larger community.
  5. Protect and preserve the person’s rights, including the right to choice, control, and freedom from coercion.
  6. Focus on partnerships, respectful communication, and collaboration.

See More Information: Click Here or Tune into a DDD Recorded Webinar: Person Centered Webinar

We are Hiring 

Disability Services & Advocacy is hiring Support Coordinators for the Northeast Region of New Jersey who will serve DDD consumers in their market area. 

Full-time coordinators work 40 hours a week, require availability during the mid-day hours with flexibility, and maintain a minimum caseload of 25 consumers to be built over a 6 month period or less at their manager's discretion. Total caseloads are to be determined by the Support Coordinator and not to exceed 50 consumers.

Part-time positions are available to parents of adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities with the option of becoming full-time, providing an opportunity to learn and maintain knowledge of the DDD system in New Jersey. Part-time coordinators require availability during the morning hours with flexibility and maintain a minimum caseload of 15 consumers to be built over a 6-month period or less at their manager's discretion. Total caseloads are to be determined by the Support Coordinator and not to exceed 24 consumers.

Please Apply Here: Application

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