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National Core Indicators In Person Survey Supported by DDD

National Core Indicators: In-Person Survey 2020


Hello Division Constituents and Community Partners,


As you may know, New Jersey’s service system for adults with intellectual/developmental disabilities, age 21 and older, has undergone and is continuing to move forward with a number of significant reforms. At the heart of these reforms is a strengthened commitment to ensuring the delivery of high quality services in the community that support and reflect individual choice.


As national best practices demonstrate, ensuring quality services is a process that begins with the measurement of key performance indicators. National Core Indicators (NCI) is a national project whose purpose is to develop standard performance measures for state systems that provide services to adults with developmental disabilities.


The New Jersey Division of Developmental Disabilities is excited to participate in the NCI project through utilization of the In-Person Survey (IPS). The IPS is a face-to-face conversation between individuals receiving services and Division staff.  To ensure that the highest standards are used in survey completion, Division staff conducting it have been formally trained by the Human Services Research Institute (HSRI), the entity that oversees NCI.  Individuals were randomly selected to participate and Division staff will reach out to them to schedule time to talk about their experiences with the services they’re receiving. You can use the NCI Survey Overview to learn more about the survey and to help with these conversations.


 If you are an individual who receives Division-funded services:

·           You may receive a phone call in the coming weeks from a DDD staff person asking if you would be willing to participate in a face-to-face conversation about your experiences with the Division.

·           If you choose to participate, we will schedule a time and place to meet that is convenient for you. 

·           While you will be talking with an interviewer face-to-face, your responses will be confidential.

·           It is your choice whether or not you would like to participate, but please know we are very interested in hearing about your experiences with the Division!


If you are a Support Coordinator, Service Provider, Division staff, or other community partner:

I ask for your support and assistance to:

·           REMIND the individuals and families in your networks that they may receive a phone call to schedule an interview.

·           EDUCATE the individuals and families in your networks about the importance of the survey.

·           ENCOURAGE the individuals and families in your networks to participate in the survey!


Service providers and community partners should be aware that you may see individuals being interviewed by DDD staff at your locations.


The success of this survey project, and of any quality improvement strategies that may emerge as a result, is directly proportional to our ability to elicit thoughtful, honest participation by individuals and families.


Your participation, assistance, and support are greatly appreciated, and we look forward to continuing to work with you to improve Division-funded services for adults with intellectual/developmental disabilities in New Jersey.


If you have questions or concerns about the surveys, please contact us at


Thank you,



Jonathan Seifried

Assistant Commissioner

New Jersey Department of Human Services

Division of Developmental Disabilities

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