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COVID Alert NJ team has asked for help in spreading  the word about the COVID Alert NJ app. They want to explain the crucial role that the app will play in the State’s public health response. As Thalia mentioned, COVID Alert NJ app complements our traditional contact tracing efforts to help stop the spread of COVID-19. 

To assist you in these efforts, they have put together a comprehensive community toolkit – containing fact sheets, infographics, social media content, email templates and more – accessible at the following link:

On their webpage you will be able to directly download the entire community toolkit in English and Spanish. They're also working on adding additional languages for the app and toolkit, and will add once they are completed.

 Additionally, has an extensive FAQ section to answer any questions that may arise regarding the application. 

 They thank you again for your continued collaboration and partnership. Please do not hesitate to reach out to if you have any feedback or questions for the COVID Alert NJ team.

Add Your Phone to the COVID Fight. Download COVID Alert NJ app on the App Storeamp;source=gmail&ust=1601655594529000&usg=AFQjCNGrvv1WfVxdKfEln1Qu46ppd3OmaQ" title=";!!J30X0ZrnC1oQtbA!bYn7_clfTbTBCC-alRMTs-cdzGLOYSzNSyvNq_ydtWyA33r7DB113AE2Pkfe_G2d-arWESE$"> App Store and Google Play Storeamp;source=gmail&ust=1601655594529000&usg=AFQjCNFTqawH76e6IbCd0K5eidYXGwQDsw" title=";!!J30X0ZrnC1oQtbA!bYn7_clfTbTBCC-alRMTs-cdzGLOYSzNSyvNq_ydtWyA33r7DB113AE2Pkfe_G2d6XuvpWc$"> Google Play Store.

 Thank you,

COVID Alert NJ team

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