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DSA Newsletter for March 2024

Updated Family Crisis Handbook:

Please note there has been an update to the Family Crisis Handbook. This handbook has need to know information when experiencing a crisis. The handbook is a "Behavioral Health Wellness Toolkit that promotes voice and choice for New Jerseyans of all ages with intellectual and developmental disabilities, and all who support them"

See the updated version of the Crisis Handbook in Spanish and English in the documents uploaded below. The new version has a dedication to Beverly Roberts written by Dr. Lucy Esralew to honor all of her contributions to the handbook and the disability community.

Family Support Council Quarterly Meeting:

Tune in as Family Support Council is hosting a quarterly meeting on the specific topic related to the disability service system. All of these meeting are free and offered in a hybrid format through Zoom. Attached below in the documents section to view or download are flyers for April 6th quarterly meeting on housing for individuals with disabilities. We will have family members share their experience finding or creating housing opportunities for their loved one. In addition, Tricia Brennan from the NJ Division of Developmental Disabilities will speak about the Community Care Program Waiting List and what to expect when you reach the top of the list. Finally, Diane Riley from the Supportive Housing Association will present on the programs that her organization has to related to housing, including Housing Navigators and Housing Hubs.

Be sure to register through the Flyers below.

Right to community Living information:

The Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) Settings Final Rule is a federal policy change announced by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to make sure that people with disabilities have the kinds of services they need in their communities. The Rule requires that the places where people receive HCBS waiver services offer full access to the benefits of community life. This guide prepares you for HCBS advocacy with information about the Rule and tools to share about your experience receiving services. Check out this website-Right to Community Life, to see more.

The Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) Settings Final Rule is a federal policy change announced by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to make sure that people with disabilities have the kinds of services they need in their communities. The Rule requires that the places where people receive HCBS waiver services offer full access to the benefits of community life. This guide prepares you for HCBS advocacy with information about the Rule and tools to share about your experience receiving services.
The Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) Settings Final Rule is a federal policy change announced by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to make sure that people with disabilities have the kinds of services they need in their communities. The Rule requires that the places where people receive HCBS waiver services offer full access to the benefits of community life. This guide prepares you for HCBS advocacy with information about the Rule and tools to share about your experience receiving services.
The Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) Settings Final Rule is a federal policy change announced by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to make sure that people with disabilities have the kinds of services they need in their communities. The Rule requires that the places where people receive HCBS waiver services offer full access to the benefits of community life. This guide prepares you for HCBS advocacy with information about the Rule and tools to share about your experience receiving services.
The Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) Settings Final Rule is a federal policy change announced by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to make sure that people with disabilities have the kinds of services they need in their communities. The Rule requires that the places where people receive HCBS waiver services offer full access to the benefits of community life. This guide prepares you for HCBS advocacy with information about the Rule and tools to share about your experience receiving services.

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