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Laura Shelly 2278

Spring 2021 Developmental Disabilities Lecture Series Webinars

Friday, April 16, 2021 | 10:00 AM - 12:00 PMl Webinar
Preparing Families to Support Youth on the Autism Spectrum
as TheyTransition to Adulthood

Julie Lounds Taylor, PhD
Associate Professor of Pediatrics and Investigator
Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Vanderbilt Kennedy Center
Nashville, TN

When supporting individuals on the autism spectrum, it is important to consider the role of the family. Parents often provide critical assistance to their autistic sons and daughters during the transition to adulthood. Yet, many families are inadequately supported during this time. This presentation will describe the important roles that parents can play in the lives of their young adults on the autism spectrum, and discuss the potential benefits of a new program that professionals can use to support families by teaching them about adult service systems

Friday, April 23, 2021l10:00 AM - 12:00 PMl Webinar

Nothing About Us Without Us: Centering Disabled People in Disability Advocacy

Emily Ladau, BA
Disability Rights Activist, Writer, Digital Communications Consultant
Words I Wheel By
Long Island, NY

Even informed advocates and allies can still fall into the trap of speaking either for or over disabled people rather than centering their authentic stories and experiences. This presentation will address ways those with disabilities have reclaimed their power after historically being excluded from advocacy efforts. Together, we will explore how the implicit and explicit biases we hold can disempower the disability community, and we will reframe our thinking and actions to ensure our work uplifts intersectional disability perspectives.

Friday, May 14, 2021l10:00 AM - 12:00 PMl Webinar

Beyond Traditional Job Development: The Art of Creating Opportunity

Denise Bissonnette, MEd
Speaker, Author
Diversity World
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
This lively presentation will give us new eyes and a new mind about the possibilities for individuals with developmental disabilities to bring their gifts to the world of work. Based on concepts from her book of the same title, the presenter will share her transformation from practicing traditional job placement to engaging in true job development which involves spotting opportunity in every corner of the local community and matching to the "individual genius" of each person. This engaging presentation will couple sound principles with hands-on techniques, practical demonstrations, and real-life examples.

Friday, May 21, 2021l10:00 AM - 12:00 PMl Webinar

Meeting the Mental Health Needs of Individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disablities

Andrea Witwer, PhD
Associate Professor, Director of Training, and LEND Associate Director
Nisonger Center, The Ohio State University
Columbus, OH

This presentation will focus on the co-occurrence of mental health concerns in individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD), providing information on the presentation of psychiatric disorders in individuals with IDD and the treatments available to meet their unique needs. It will also lay out practical steps that all members of a support team can take to help to ensure that those with IDD and psychiatric disorders are appropriately diagnosed, and the best ways to support their treatment.​

To access the webinars, you must register in advance on GoToWebinar using the registration links listed in thebrochureor through The Boggs Centerregistration system. The webinars are free of charge. Space is limited for each of the sessions.

  • You will receive a confirmation email and reminder emails with the unique link to join each webinar. When you complete the registration form, please make sure your email address is correct since all emails will be sent to the address you enter.
  • The "join webinar" link in the confirmation and reminder emails is unique to your registration and should not be shared with others.
  • Please note that each person who wishes to participate must register and log in using their own email and device in order for their attendance to be recorded.
  • If you need closed captioning, please email your request to deborah.mahovetz@rutgers.eduat least 2 weeks before each session.
  • For additional information about DDLS Webinars, including system requirements, please viewFrequently Asked Questions
As part of Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, The Boggs Center offers this program for social work continuing education credit per NJAC 13:44G6.4.c(5). The Boggs Center is a registered NJ Department of Education Professional Development Provider. The Fall 2020 sessions have been submitted to the Commission on Rehabilitation Counselor Certification (CRCC) for continuing education program approval.

Each session is eligible for 2 hours of continuing education recognition. Please note the following requirements to demonstrate completion and receive a Certificate of Attendance for each session:
  • You must be logged onto the webinar from start to finish.
  • You must complete a survey at the webinar's completion. Certificates of Attendance will be emailed to attendees meeting these requirements the week following each event.

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