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Walmart closed-POD (point-of-dispensing) program that launched the week of January 18, 2021.

DDD Communications <DDD.Communications@DHS.NJ.GOV>
Fri 1/22/2021 10:03 AM


The Division of Developmental Disabilities is pleased to share updated information related to the Walmart closed-POD (point-of-dispensing) program that launched the week of January 18, 2021. 


The update relates to efficiencies in circumstances where (a) a guardian consents to vaccination but cannot return the physical signed consent form in time for the individual’s vaccination appointment, or (b) an individual’s court-appointed guardian has passed away, is incapacitated, or is not yet appointed, which is preventing COVID-19 vaccination.


Residential providers, residents and families should review the UPDATED Walmart COVID-19 Closed-POD Program for Residents with IDD in Congregate Residential Settings Licensed by the Department of Human Services overview document for more information.


Thank you.

Jonathan Seifried

Assistant Commissioner

New Jersey Department of Human Services

Division of Developmental Disabilities


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